Winterberry, Deciduous, Large Leaf, or Mountain Holly (Ilex montana) is a small tree or shrub found throughout the Allegheny Plateau that provides food and cover for a wide variety bird and animal species. Its was chosen as the name and symbol, of the company to emphasize our commitment to managing forests, woodlands and ecosystems for all the components and species they contain. Like the wide variety of species the winterberry provides food and cover for, I am offering the landowner a wide variety of experience and services on practically any problem, issue or need you are facing with the forest resources on your property.
I am looking forward to speaking, meeting and walking your property with you. My services are available on an hourly, project or per acre basis. Please contact me to discuss your property’s needs and my services and rates.
15 Crawford Lane, Lock Haven, PA 17745 Phone 570-295-6835